Monthly Archives: December 2021

The 1990s are starting to be a long time ago now. That was my first run of interest in miniatures, wargaming, dungeon crawls and the like. Now with the pandemic still going, I’ve picked up the paintbrush again. I’ve definitely noticed a difference in miniatures, new miniatures are AMAZING. But as beautiful as new sculps are, I prefer the game-piece-iness of old models. Sure, new models are more proportionate, sculptural, etc. But these are game pieces! I’m looking a them from across a big table! And the spindlyness! I’ll really get into get-off-my-lawn territory there. So I guess what I’m getting at is that new minis are beautiful sculptures, but they make poor game pieces. The pictures below (not my paint jobs, clearly!), demonstrate robustness vs frailty. It is a bit funny though because I was getting out of the hobby by the time 1995 was rolling around. They were…

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