Category Archives: Outside Content

Pretty much all reviewers left out the Trait cards. I don’t completely blame them; out of the 100+ cards, only eight are Trait cards. Some reviewers mentioned that they didn’t care for the leveling-up system but no one ran an on-camera adventure using anything other than level zero heroes. Is the leveling up as momentous as Warhammer Quest 1995? No. Does leveling up unlock new and nastier monsters (other than boss fights)? No. Can leveling up change the development path your character takes? No. Will new levels unlock fun and exciting equipment? No. Wait, I’m not selling this very well. What I mean to say is that even though leveling up in Cursed City isn’t monumental, Trait cards add a lot to the game. Most characters have two or three actions they can take every turn. Adding Traits greatly expands the thoughtfulness needed every activation. It’s fun imagining your characters…

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Now this is something I can get behind! A new White Dwarf mini AND rules for Cursed City! Count me in! (sold separately, purchase necessary) He looks great, very majestic. His fellow White Dwarf breathern will welcome him into the fold!

Quite often I’m the target consumer for small-box games. This time I’m not. I’ll watch the promo video, but the game-play photo looks… Dull? Uninteresting? Something along those lines. I should be more polite and just say it’s not for me; “It’s not for me”. If it had more of the right minis, it might make sense, but it would take two sets to augment the gaps in my Blackstone Fortress minis. Or more interesting boards/terrain. Or, I don’t know… some pizzaz? I suppose I’m just not the target market. If someone was thinking about getting into Kill Team it might be a good intro. Now this isn’t the first time GW has released a ugly looking box-game. Just check out Gorechosen. Oh boy, that thing looks like a game of foursquare or tic-tac-toe in a box. BUT! Apparently it’s a hoot to play and came with some of the…

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This Cursed City content flew completely under my radar until recently. It consists of a pre-battle report: The actual scenario is linked in the page above, but here’s the direct link: As usual, this GW content would cost hundreds of dollars to put on the table if you don’t already have Da Red Gobbo, Squigs, Grotmas Gitz, Gnawty Snufflers, and Coal Grots. I read the adventure, but it turns out I unknowingly had COVID, so not much stuck around in the old thinker. I’ll give it another read through. I’m glad to see some fun, festive content for Cursed City. The game is a GREAT base to make fun things happen. I found some pretty solid 3D options for you home printers out there. I didn’t find (and didn’t look too hard) for Gnawty Snufflers and Coal Grots. Just swap in some goblins, there’s lots of squig models…

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In case you missed it, Callis and Toll are coming to Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. Now I’m not personally acquainted with these heroes, I haven’t read any of the books featuring them, but apparently they did well in Cinderfall. White Dwarf magazine has included Cursed City content in several recent releases.  Callis & Toll, however, are available as a free download from Warhammer Community: I’m OK with this. White Dwarf expansion content is more difficult to get on the table.  First you have to just get the magazine!  Then scan the pages, then print, then make cards. I actually don’t mind too much, but it can be a lot. Warhammer Community content though, is already PDF’d and ready to print size-accurate, color-correct cards at home. This saves multiple steps and $11. These new heroes are going to be BRUTAL.  They aren’t as powerful as the Army of One characters…

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If you haven’t seen what Dungeons & Lasers is doing over at Archon Studio, you need to check it out on Game Found: PrismaCast terrain looks amazing! Always Board and Dana Howl have videos out showcasing the pre-painted terrain. Here’s the technology behind it: Now, I’m a do-it-yourself kind of guy, and I often pinch pennies unnecessarily. But the value and ready playability of these sets looks worth the price if you’re in the market for that type of terrain. I wouldn’t say that if the paint jobs weren’t up to snuff, but after watching those videos, I’d say the product looks legit. 3D printing terrain works pretty well, but it’s a slow process and then requires paint to look it’s best.  The new Dungeons & Lasers line looks great right out of the box. Am I going to buy any?  Nope. I’m DragonLock-ed into my current systems. …

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This is a list of my favorite Cursed City content to be found online (before it slowly fades from the web) General links and reviews Painting

A google search on John Blanche’s Knight Panther painting brought me back to Between the Bolter and Me. Love the freehand. So great!

This may be an unflattering review of a Warhammer Quest property, but the article and the related discussion are the best thing I’ve read online all year.

Check out these awesome print-and-play boards from Sebastian Stuart over at Eastern Empire: There’s a ton of variety and they’re BEAUTIFUL!!! They are formatted for Euro size paper or large format printers, so you might have to do a little reformatting yourself. I printed a bunch and they look great! I’ll get them mounted up soon. I’m looking forward to some new adventures with these boards!
