Category Archives: Cut and Assemble Models

Zine Quest is a month-long celebration of zines at Kickstarter every February. I was completely oblivious to such a thing six months ago. I’d only heard of zines antidotally, skater zines, punk rock zines, etc. Well, as it turns out, there’s a ton of people making RPG zines. There’s SOOOOO much cool content, imagination, and artistry out there in that space.  However, almost all of those zines are D&D-like experiences.  They need a Game Master to run the adventures. That’s great for a lot of groups, but for me, I like being a player. And those that don’t require a GM, they require a fairly large book with tons of lookup tables and rules. Which has its place, but won’t fit in your pants pocket. So that’s where my game fits in. In your pants pocket! The germ of this idea had been in my mind for decades I think. …

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Check out these awesome print-and-play boards from Sebastian Stuart over at Eastern Empire: There’s a ton of variety and they’re BEAUTIFUL!!! They are formatted for Euro size paper or large format printers, so you might have to do a little reformatting yourself. I printed a bunch and they look great! I’ll get them mounted up soon. I’m looking forward to some new adventures with these boards!

Krak Des Chevaliers. Here’s a cut and assemble that I put together in 100% of it’s glory. Then it hung around for ten years before it was “downsized” to the trash. So sad. Still miss this one.

2D and 3D printed DIY Warhammer Quest is on it’s way!
