Monthly Archives: September 2023

A google search on John Blanche’s Knight Panther painting brought me back to Between the Bolter and Me. Love the freehand. So great!

So if you can’t tell, the One Page Rules review is on hold. Turns out my FEP was totally shot in the middle and I was getting lots of failed prints. At first I though it was an issue with the minis/supports/etc. because I hadn’t really been having issues. But yup, the FEP was scratched up so badly right in the center that it stopped anything from sticking to the build plate. So after getting that changed out I was back in business! Though that’s when I shifted to Warhammer Quest minis almost entirely. Oh yeah, and we also moved practically everything in our house. We shifted the use of half the rooms in the house. Swapped, moved, disassembled, reassembled and we’re pretty much almost done with that. It felt like moving, but moving into the same house again. Did I mention that I have my very own game-space in…

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